9 Simple Steps for Running Effective Meetings

September 16, 2014

9 Simple Steps for Running Effective Meetings

Meetings have a bad rap for being long, boring and unproductive. However, with the right planning, practice and time management, they can become a productivity tool for your team. Here are 9 must-do preparation tips to help you run more effective meetings. 1. Define a clear purpose. Productive meetings have a goal that can be… Read more

July 5, 2014

The Most Overlooked Step In Project Execution

You and your team have planned, worked, adjusted, worked some more, pulled a few all nighters, and now you’ve hit the big red launch button. Congrats! Completing a project is often one part relief that it’s over, one part excitement to see your sweat equity pay off, and a dash of breath-hitching nervousness on how… Read more

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