5 Effective Strategies for B2B Networking

September 30, 2014

5 Effective Strategies for B2B Networking

Does your company need to up its networking game? If professional networking has been pushed to the bottom of your business to do list, you’re missing out on valuable connections. To help you reprioritize, here are 5 effective strategies for effortless business networking, whether online or face to face. 1. Participate in LinkedIn Groups Any… Read more

September 16, 2014

9 Simple Steps for Running Effective Meetings

Meetings have a bad rap for being long, boring and unproductive. However, with the right planning, practice and time management, they can become a productivity tool for your team. Here are 9 must-do preparation tips to help you run more effective meetings. 1. Define a clear purpose. Productive meetings have a goal that can be… Read more

September 1, 2014

Hot Color Palettes for Flat Web Design

Which color palettes are all the rage? Any color scheme that pairs well with flat web design, which calls for more solid colors, interesting color variations, and flat color combinations.  Bring fresh style and greater usability to your next web design project with these color palette tips. Do More With Less Flat design is a… Read more

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